Join Us

We want to create a new media – one with no conflict of interest between those who own the publication and those who read and write to it.
That is why we are a co-operative democratically owned by the readers and the writers.

  • Readers can join by paying a 3£/month membership fee. Everyone in the world can join.

  • Writers who have written more than 4 articles in the last 12 months also become members.

As a member-owner of Mutual Interest, you can exercise your right to:

  • Vote for your favourite articles

    Members distribute 10 points between their favourite articles each month. 45% of funds are distributed to the writers according to how many points their articles receive. 45% of the funds are distributed equally to writers according to how many articles they have written. 5% of the funds are saved.

  • Stand and vote in the elections for the board of directors

    Our board of directors consists of and is elected by our members on one-member-one-vote-basis.